Have you experienced a live dealer online casino yet? Real croupiers, cutting real cards, spinning real Roulette wheels, in real time; it’s a plane ride and a cheap hotel short of Las Vegas. As close as you can get to the Strip, without a single travel expense and the all-you-can eat buffet.
Live streaming casinos have been online since around 2003. They have come a long way. What started with a handful of sketchy croupiers, and a spotty broadband connection, is now a slick, entertaining, way to enjoy your favourite casino games.
Here are our top ten reasons why you should treat yourself to a trip into the world of the Live Casino.
#1. RNG Free
Online casinos are slaves to the random number generator (RNG). In a real casino, a random outcome is generated mechanically: a shuffled deck, a spinning Roulette wheel, the roll of a die.
Online gambling software has to replicate this random outcome. The problem is: any line of code has a tendency to create patterns. It can take millions of permutations but a repeating sequence can evolve. This is how a ‘random’ pattern can be cracked.
Fortunately, there is a clever way for software RNGs to stay random. Most use a seed number to start a sequence. The seed number can be generated from a number of sources: atmospheric or thermal noise, cosmic background radiation, patterns made in lava lamps, or a combination of all of the above.
Every online casino is audited by the Gambling Commission. Key to that audit is the veracity of the RNG and its source code. Independently reviewed, tested, and verified. Basically: an online casino is just as random as a real one.
Despite this: sceptics exist. The good news: Live Casino. Old fashioned shuffling, spinning, and rolling. No code, no software, just mechanical random number generation.
#2. Banter
In the battle between online and offline casino, there is one war that the old school bricks and mortar casino always wins: the social showdown. Whether it’s Las Vegas, Monaco, or the local bookies, you can chat, meet, and engage with other players. It’s much harder at an online casino. Some games are multiplayer, and you can chat, but it’s not the same.
However, at a Live Casino half the fun is getting to know the dealers and the other players. It is a social environment. No, it’s still not the same as a night on the Las Vegas strip but you can engage with the croupier, share some jokes, and enjoy some banter with your Blackjack.
#3. 24/7 Action
Live Casinos are open 24/7. If you’re looking for a game of Blackjack, a spin at the Roulette table, or a game of hi-lo, you can find what you are looking for at any time. There are dozens of different games in play, including classics like Roulette and Blackjack, as well as Brag, Sic Bo, Baccarat, and more.
#4. Learn a Language
If you’re studying German, Italian, French, or Spanish, get ahead of the game with one of the many multi-lingual game rooms available. The next time you get lost in a European city, you will be able to insist the taxi driver doubles down and cashes your chips in.
#5. Themed Games
One of the categories on offer at the Casino.com Live Casino is Game Shows. This is where you find some of the more bizarre Live Casino betting options. Some of these games use the latest augmented reality techniques to enhance the game play; integrating the croupier in a themed room.
#6. Discover Riga
The Live Casino is located in Riga, Latvia. The 8,500 square metre building is the biggest in the world. The tables are staffed by more than 500 dealers; many of them are local. If you’re looking for the lowdown on one of East Europe’s best kept secrets, you can brush up on your local knowledge and Blackjack at the same time!
#7. One Wallet
If you are already a Casino.com customer, you can play at the Live Casino without opening a new account or creating a new wallet. All Live Casino transactions are identical to the regular casino. You can also see a full account of all your transactions.
#8. Living The Stream
It’s been nearly two decades since the first Live Casino appeared. The pioneering games could be a little clunky and slow. Not anymore; today, high-definition streaming is the norm and the images are crisp, fast, and responsive. You can chat in real time and enjoy a truly immersive experience.
#9. Learn on the Job
The dealers are croupiers are happy to talk you through the games. If you have never played Caribbean Stud, Poker, or Baccarat, the Live Casino is a great way to learn these games.
#10. It’s Fun
Let’s face it: Live Casino is as close as it gets to the Las Vegas experience without hopping on a place and flying to Nevada. You can play all your favourite games, chat with the croupiers, engage with your fellow players, and watch the cards, wheels, and dice; deal, spin, and roll.
Don’t take our word for it: try it yourself. Go live and live a little!