Belize Police Officer Arrested For Stealing Casino Chips

Richard Janvrin
By: Richard Janvrin
Belize Police Officer Arrested For Stealing Casino Chips

Photo by Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

Key Takeaways

  • San Pedro police officer Keir Roebin David Morey has been charged with theft
  • The theft includes $320 in casino chips after a suspect noticed they were stolen after retrieving his belongings
  • It’s unknown if the chips were returned or if Morey will lose his job

A police officer from Belize’s San Pedro police department was arrested earlier this week after another suspect’s casino chips, valued at $320, went missing. 

Earlier this month, we also saw a lawyer in Florida steal $1.8 million from a client.

The Officer Responsible 

The officer is Keir Roebin David Morey, a 28-year-old male from San Pedro Town. He was arrested and charged with theft. 

This came to light after a suspect reported that $320 worth of casino chips and $15 in cash were left at the station and stolen, per Channel 5 Belize.

The suspect was Kevin Salazar, another 28-year-old man, who was detained earlier this month after he was searched and the officer found him carrying illegal drugs. 

How this Happened 

Salazar was charged with possession of controlled drugs on September 11. He pled guilty and was hit with a fine for the offense. 

When he was processed, he turned over his personal possessions, including the casino chips and cash, his cell phone, silver chain, and watch. 

After he was released, he returned to the station to retrieve his belongings. The cash and casino chips were missing. He did get his phone, watch, and chain back, though. 

According to an employee at the department, Salazar didn’t sign any documents for the chips or cash. There were two green chips valued at $50 each and 22 red ones valued at $10 each. 

Internal Investigation

After it was discovered Salazar’s chips and cash were missing, the San Pedro police department underwent an internal investigation, including reviewing surveillance cameras. 

When that investigation concluded, Officer Morey was arrested. 

We don’t know if the chips were returned to Salazar or if Morey will be suspended or fired. 

Comments about the arrest on Facebook show that people think he should be dismissed, with one user writing, “Not only should he be charged but also dismissed from active.”

Richard Janvrin, a graduate of the University of New Hampshire with a degree in English/Journalism, has been a professional writer since 2015. Specializing in sports, sports betting, and online casinos, Richard began his casino writing journey following the repeal of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in 2018. Since then, he has crafted various casino-related content, including how-to guides, online casino reviews, bonus/promotion overviews, and breaking news. Richard is dedicated to delivering the most current and precise news in the online casino industry.