Arizona Warns Residents to Be Safe Betting on Super Bowl LIX

Michael Savio
By: Michael Savio
Sports Betting
Photo by Bigmikebmw, CC BY-SA 3.0

Photo by Bigmikebmw, CC BY-SA 3.0

Key Takeaways

  • The ADG released two PSAs regarding Sunday’s Super Bowl
  • Several scams are targeting bettors to steal their information
  • Several sports betting scandals have been uncovered over the last month

The Copper State is warning bettors to stay safe this Super Bowl Season.

The Arizona Department of Gaming (ADG) released a pair of public service announcements reminding bettors of the dangers of sports betting. The focus was on Super Bowl LIX, which is projected to see over $1.3 billion in wagers. The messages reminded residents of the importance of responsible gambling and warned them of several scams looking to steal their identity.

Scammers Targeting Super Bowl Bettors

The Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in the US, which makes it a tempting target for criminals. Arizona’s PSA warns residents of scams that promise big prizes or free bets in exchange for your information. Some sites may look real but are used to collect your personal and financial details.

These scams are more complex to spot during the Super Bowl season. Sportsbooks and affiliate sites pump out promos and bonuses to ensure they capture as much of the $1.3 billion in wagers as possible. That makes it easier for fraudulent offers to blend in. 

The ADG recommends ensuring any site requesting your information for sports betting is legitimate and licensed.

Spreading Responsible Gaming Awareness

Most people who have been betting on sports over the years know the spiel about responsible gambling. Sportsbooks offer information on the topic, as well as tools to help with gambling addiction if needed. Even commercials for sportsbooks give out information in support of responsible gaming.

Arizona chose to add to its campaign to promote responsible gaming for Super Bowl LIX. That is partly because new or casual bettors will often get in on the action for the NFL’s big game. They don’t have much experience and may not have seen the constant messaging bettors do over gambling addiction.

The ADG hopes their PSA will help those bettors take extra caution on Sunday.

Regulators Watching Action on Prop Bets

The Super Bowl comes as the country has experienced several significant betting scandals over the last few weeks. Both star players and officials have been involved, calling into question the integrity of US sports. 

Many of the country’s most prominent betting scandals have revolved around prop bets. The Super Bowl has one of the largest catalogs of prop bets available. Some NFL officials have shown concern over these, meaning regulators and watchdogs will be closely monitoring for suspicious betting patterns.

Any hint of a scandal in the Super Bowl could have devastating effects on the NFL.

Michael Savio covers the US online casino industry, giving readers insights and information they won’t find anywhere else. He has followed the retail industry since his time living in Las Vegas and has continued to do so as the online industry has taken off. Michael covers everything from online casino reviews to industry news, making him one of the most trusted insiders in the business. Check out Michael’s latest articles at to see what he has to offer!