Senate Sports Betting Bill Set to Fail
The only sports betting bill still being considered is Senate Bill 208. The bill is in the same committee that rejected the ballot initiative, signaling that passage is unlikely. Even if there was support for the bill, the deadline to pass the Senate is rapidly approaching. The Committee has just one meeting left before that deadline, and the bill is not currently on the agenda.
Concerns Over Problem Gambling Remain
A lot can happen over the coming years, but there is little reason to believe that legal sports betting is on the horizon in Georgia. Industry proponents' best hope was a ballot initiative, but it failed to reach the Senate floor.
Opponents are fighting the bill for various reasons, but the biggest is the fear of problem gambling. The issue continues to be a significant problem across the US, and it doesn’t appear that anyone has a solution. Many Georgia lawmakers and other leaders are worried about the damage that could be done to the public.
"You think about the mental health issues that are related to it. You think about the increase in addiction. You think about how up to a third of addicted gamblers are going to consider committing suicide," Georgia Baptist Misson’s Mike Griffin said in an interview with Fox 5.
Is There a Path Towards Legalization?
It doesn’t seem like sports betting has made any headway in the state legislature, but there is strong support from the public. We saw a similar situation in Missouri, where pro sports teams started a signature-gathering effort that put the issue on the ballot last November. The public approved the proposal, ending a years-long roadblock in the state legislature.
Georgia proponents may not have that same option, but going directly to voters could pressure Atlanta lawmakers. The defeat of SR 131 could help spark more support from major players in the state. If that doesn’t happen, it could be many more years before the industry becomes legal.