Hawaii House of Representatives Set to Vote on Sports Betting

Michael Savio
By: Michael Savio
Sports Betting
Photo by Sajith T S, CC BY-SA 2.0

Photo by Sajith T S, CC BY-SA 2.0

Key Takeaways

  • The Hawaii House Finance Committee passed HB 1308 by a vote of 12-3
  • The Committee amended the bill to leave the operator tax rate blank
  • Hawaii’s Attorney General submitted a strong argument against HB 1308

Hawaii’s new sports betting bill is officially heading to the House floor. 

House Bill 1308 passed through the Finance Committee with a 12-3 vote this week. While this marks the third committee to pass the bill, six members spoke of reservations before voting yes. Some changes were made to the bill as proponents have signaled they are open to changes to get it passed.

The bill must be passed by March 6 to get into this year’s Senate session.

Tax Rates Could Be a Roadblock

One of the biggest debates in the Hawaii House committees has been the tax rate for sports betting operators. The bill initially proposed that be set at 10%, but many lawmakers feel that number is far too low. Given the impact of problem gambling on the public, many think that sportsbooks should be required to pay far more. 

The Finance Committee amended this part of HB 1308 to leave the tax rate blank. This would allow the rate to be debated as the rest of the bill is considered. This will keep it moving, but it is clear that Hawaii's legislatures are still far apart on the issue.

Senate Sports Betting Bill Struggles

The Hawaii Senate has also seen a bill proposed to legalize sports betting. However, it has not enjoyed the same success as its House companion. It was recently deferred in a Senate Committee, meaning it may not be picked up again in the 2025 legislative session.

The Senate remains the most prominent opponent to sports betting. They have shut down each attempt to legalize the industry without much opposition. While proponents hope the House Bill will give the industry its best chance in the Senate, it will still be an uphill battle.

Outside Opposition Remains Strong

One primary reason for the Senate’s stance on sports betting is the growing opposition from outside parties. The Hawaii Attorney General’s office submitted a strong rebuttal to the bill. It highlighted the damage problem gambling is doing in the mainland US and the crime that often comes with it. 

These sentiments have been echoed by law enforcement, including the Honolulu Police Department.

More and more opponents surface, suggesting that legalization may still be far off for the Aloha State.

Michael Savio covers the US online casino industry, giving readers insights and information they won’t find anywhere else. He has followed the retail industry since his time living in Las Vegas and has continued to do so as the online industry has taken off. Michael covers everything from online casino reviews to industry news, making him one of the most trusted insiders in the business. Check out Michael’s latest articles at casinos.com to see what he has to offer!